13th September 2018

Studio Scrapbook: September 2018

Studio Scrapbook: September 2018

Summer 2018 is over and we can’t help but feel it went by a little too quickly. While the heat waves and holidays are starting to become distant memories, the Fanatic studio shows no signs of cooling down. This week the scrapbook is full of creative projects and colourful sneak peaks. Let’s get started!



England Rugby Hospitality: This month we’ve been working closely with England Rugby Hospitality on an exciting new mail out campaign. We’ve designed a variety of direct mail pieces that will be sent throughout the year. Each piece comes in a bespoke wallet, sealed with a very neat magnetic tab. The insert inside features the England Rugby Hospitality logo highlighted in a magnetic foiling.

The design below will be sent out this week, but keep your eyes peeled for more designs in future blogs. We’re always thrilled when we get the chance to create something physical, and this project has lived up to expectations.

Vanguard Animated Icons: Tom has been hard at work on campaign Collateral for Vanguard, and has shared some animated gifs of fantastic icon transitions he’s been working on. He’s been practising on Adobe After Effects and Illustrator, testing his skills in morphing shapes to increase the fluency of movement. This is achieved using timing and consistent elements throughout each icon design, which allows them to flow from one to the other. We love how colourful and fun they are and are really glad to get some insight into the process.

Parnum: Sam and Tom have been working hard on a premium brand book for private healthcare clinic Parnum. Like all Fanatic brand books they experimented with different typography and textures to achieve the perfect aesthetic to represent the business. Brand books help outline the tone and voice of the company, and helps our designers define the brand’s visual elements and create a website within these guidelines. We’re really happy with the professional, clean theme of this project so far and can’t wait to see where it goes next.




Showreel: We’ve been hinting at it for a long time, but we’re finally (almost) ready to reveal the new Fanatic studio reel. Tom has been painstakingly editing and tweeking over the last couple of months to make sure it’s perfect. Keep your eyes peeled for a special blog very soon.

Fanatic Studio Makeover: We mentioned last week that the Fanatic studio was having a bit of a makeover. Well, much like the studio reel we’re close, but not quite there yet. We will leave you with a little hint to wet your appetite though.

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